Study Week Test and Prep Tips

girl studying Test week can be dreadful for many students. The stress of studying large amounts of information and the anxiety of possibly failing an important test can almost be too much to handle at times. It can be easy for students to feel overwhelmed during the studying process; after all, they do have to juggle the rest of their responsibilities while they study. To help you out for study week, we’ve collected some tips to make sure your study sessions are as effective as possible.

Busting Mental Health Myths

As a campus community, we’ve made significant progress when it comes to how we view mental health and address the needs associated with it, but we still have a long way to go. Certain myths and stigmas surrounding mental health persist to this day in almost every walk of life, especially within college student communities. In the Division of Student Life, we want to challenge these stigmas and provide all UA students with the appropriate information about mental health and about the resources available to them through the Counseling Center and other campus resources to make managing and maintaining their mental health easier.

New Years Goals: Resources and Tips

With the start of 2023 behind us, most of us are probably struggling to stick to our resolutions we made for the new year. Whether you want to exercise more, eat healthier, spend more time with friends, become more involved on campus or even study more, finding out how to incorporate these positive changes into your lifestyle can be quite the challenge. Thankfully, UA’s Division of Student Life is packed with resources to help you accomplish your goals. Check out these tips and departments that can help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions all year!